Sunday, October 17, 2010


John writes in response to my recent posts about Michael's reluctance to use "Love":
I'm really enjoying your series of posts re: Michael's saying don't signwith "love", etc. I think it's great how quickly he's become so utterly secure in his parents' love that he can turn into a normal teenage boy, so to speak, and "reject" what he knows will always be there.

Once, when I was 13 and away from home, I wrote my parents a letter and signed it

Your son,
John Rissman

I don't know *what* I was thinking (that they'd forgotten me? That they wouldn't know who just plain "John" was?), but they saved it and talked about it for years and thought it was really funny.

Anyhow, it's lovely to read about a happy family.

Love, (!)

Thanks John! Nice to see how maturity brings the confidence to use the word "Love"! In turn, your email reminded me of how Michael signed off on his Happy Anniversary card to us. He signed off with:
Best Wishes,

The hubby read it out loud, read it again louder, then looked at Michael with a raised eyebrow. "Best wishes?" he repeated.

It'll be a tale to repeat over the years, just like John's story! I look forward to ribbing him about it for ... decades!

Meanwhile, here is his latest genius science project (Do note, she dryly adds because El Hijo previously noted it to her about himself and thus his car, the No. 1 moniker on the car...):

Pretty clever how the mousetrap becomes the engine, yah?

Keep thriving, Son. And may you blossom into the self-confidence, maturity and wisdom to know the value of the word "Love"!
