Leaving New York City over ten years ago also meant de facto severing my ties with the marvelous Asian American Writers Workshop. Due simply to lack of proximity, I haven't done much with AAWW in the past decade.
Well, that's about to change.
After all, AAWW Director -- and Yale Series of Younger Poets awardee -- Ken Chen was good enough to come all the way to St. Helena to chat and lunch.
So, what'll I be doing with AAWW in the future? I'll tell you in the future! For now, I just want to post a photo of Ken with THE THORN ROSARY!

This is after wine, handmade-at-the-moment-ordered mozzarella cheese over grilled bruschetta with vestri oliio nuovo; some tagliatelle with olive oil poached tuna, tuna tartare, bottarga, crushed chiles and Meyer lemon for Moi; and some rigatoni with guanciale bacon, onions, organic eggs, cracked pepper and parmesan for Ken. Just don't say Moi doesn't know how to feed her guests--well, with the help this time of Tra Vigne!
Labels: Asian American Writers Workshop, Rosary of Thorns, What I Do To Amuse Moiself
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