Saturday, January 06, 2007


over at Logolalia where the first of three of my "ars poetica" poems is posted today, with the 2nd tomorrow and the third the day thereafter. Click on excerpt from my "Sentences" poem below for the whole thing:

The same byline your fingers caress now is text on a page, “which is to say,” yet another tree was axed for you to find the Iron Gate behind which I long hid with uncut hair and wounds as eyes, waiting for You.

This blog is set up to end in a print anthology of poems about poetry, co-edited by Jennifer Hill-Kaucher and Dan Waber, and to be published by Paper Kite Press.

Interesting idea: poems reflecting ars poetica. Some--and I implicate moiself in this--undoubtedly will present arse poetics. Heh.