Thursday, June 06, 2013


Virus.  Yep.  Yesterday I was scheduled to read a poem by phone into some recorder which then would integrate the recording into an upcoming journal's issue.  The recorder had technical problems.  So the one who would record asked if I could read the poem by leaving a message at her husband's law firm which apparently possessed this high tech ability to resend phone messages as recordings (I'm sure I didn't describe that accurately but you techies might get the drift that, uh, I don't get).  So I did that -- called the given number and read a poem by leaving it as a phone message.

This morning, I woke up to the email that that law firm will never be the same again, "infected" as it has been with poetry.

I like that. 

Mayhap it could do more pro bono work since poetry, after all, is (not just a curse but also) a gift ...
