Tuesday, May 10, 2011


The University of Iowa Press has an interesting series--anthologies of poems inspired by the poetry and/or life of various poets, like Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman and Robert Frost. Their latest is Visiting Dr. Williams co-edited by Sheila Coghill and Thom Tammaro. It contains a Foreword by Paul Mariani. Said Foreword references one of my favorite painters, except Mariani calls him "Jackson Pollack."

Nice job, Iowa. Can't recall the ubiquitous last name of a 20th century great? Forgive the snark but this artist's brush deserves better. Anyway, here is Jackson Pollock by his painting "Summertime":

The anthology series is actually a good idea. I enjoyed Visiting Dr. Williams, though there was something predictable about the editors' choices. Still, it's worth it just for Joseph Massey's contribution -- his poem is, for me, the anthology highlight. Joseph is so talented -- I've long admired him from afar, and reading his poem in this anthology reminded me to acquire his books (long been on my To-Do List), and off I go to do exactly that!

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