One of the many pleasures from last night's SPT poetry reading was inflicting--ahem, I mean, sharing--Michael's first English language poem, "Tornados". But then, after the reading when Michael and the hubby came by to pick me up, guess what happened!
I was able to introduce Michael to Norma Cole who then proceeded to compliment Michael on his first poem. Talk about memory-making! How many 14-year-olds can say they they wrote a poem at 14, and then had it praised by Norma Cole! Woot!
And Michael deserves all the accolades. Because we are celebrating Mother's Day early by combining it with the hubby's birthday celebration tonight, given that said hubby has to leave tomorrow on a business trip. So, this morning, Michael came down with his gloriously-designed outfit:

And of course he didn't forget his Dad's birthday. When you turn him around, you'll see what the back of his t-shirt proclaims, and a happy father with Achilles inserting his mug into the happy action:

Then, he took a second photo with my father's photo because my husband and my father share the same birthday. Do you see Abuelita smiling in the background?

Michael is such a pleasure.
Labels: Babaylan, Furry Love, Happy as a cop with a donut, MOI = MOM, Non-Virtual Resurrections
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