So far, we've raised $233 for Haiti relief through the Hay(na)ku for Haiti Fundraiser. Thank you! It's a great result given how each H for H booklet costs a mere $3.00!
And, yes, the deal to get a free copy of THE THORN ROSARY for every $15 minimum order is ... a deal!
And now I'm pleased to announce three more additions to the list of H for H booklets -- these are hay(na)ku penned by Cynthia Marie Phillips, David C. Kopaska-Merkel, and a hay(na)ku-ed translation I did from Ric Carfagna's magnificent FRACTUS CORPUS. The permanent link to the H for H project is HERE, but I cutnpaste the latest announcement below for convenience.
We appreciate your support -- as we know, the problems in Haiti are not going to be resolved any time soon and every little bit helps. Here are the deets!
A Haiti Fundraiser with Complimentary New Book by Eileen R. Tabios
Marsh Hawk Press has teamed up with Meritage Press to provide a poetry fundraiser for Haiti Relief.
Those who order five or more "Hay(na)ku for Haiti" booklets from Meritage Press' Open Palm Press will also receive a complimentary copy of Eileen R. Tabios' latest Marsh Hawk Press book, THE THORN ROSARY: Selected Prose Poems & New, edited by Thomas Fink.
As five booklets are available for $15 and Ms. Tabios' book retails for $19.95, we hope poetry lovers will find this offer an attractive way to contribute to Haiti relief. The following provides details on this Haiti fundraiser:
Open Palm Press
(an imprint of Meritage Press)
is pleased to announce the series:
Hay(na)ku for Haiti
-- a fundraiser for Haiti, edited by Eileen R. Tabios and blessed by support from chapbookpublisher.com.
Poets who write in the hay(na)ku form (about which more information is available at http://haynakupoetry.blogspot.com) have consented to create hay(na)ku for helping Haiti's recovery efforts. The results are to be released as "pocket poem booklets" by Open Palm Press. Each will be sold for $3.00, reflecting the hay(na)ku's three lines, with all proceeds to be donated for Haiti relief.
The series begins with:
#1: PARTICLE AND WAVE and FROM THE CHAIR, two hay(na)ku sequences by Jean Vengua
#2: On A Pyre: An Ars Poetica by Eileen R. Tabios
#3: Hay(na)ku for Haiti by Tom Beckett
#4: when the earth moves by Lars Palm
#5: After René Depestre’s “My Definition of Poetry”, as translated by Edwidge Danticat, with lines at the end by Lafcadio Hearn by John Bloomberg-Rissman.
#6: Mrs. Quake by Nicole Mauro
#7: Through Having Been, Vol. 1 by William Allegrezza
#8: Through Having Been, Vol. 2 by William Allegrezza
#9: blonde topography: a terse set of tercets by steve dalachinsky
#10: Drop, Portion and Assignment by Peg Duthie
#11: As I Speed to Your Place by Amanda Laughtland
#12: REBIRTH by Cynthia M. Phillips
#13: in articulate concision of appendices by David C. Kopaska-Merkel
#14:from Delicacies in FRACTUS CORPUS by Ric Carfagna (Vol. 1), Hay(na)ku-ed Translations by Eileen Tabios
Over time, more releases will occur as it is anticipated that Haiti's relief requirements will be prolonged and deep. Poets interested in exploring the hay(na)ku through this fundraising effort may contact the series editor at MeritagePress@aol.com

"H for H" booklets are lovingly produced by http://chapbookpublisher.com on lilac-colored paper to fit, at 2.75" x 4.5 X 2", on an open palm -- ideal for giving engagements.
To order some or all of the series, please send checks made out to "Meritage Press" for $3 per booklet and send to
Eileen Tabios
Meritage Press
256 North Fork Crystal Springs Rd.
St. Helena, CA 94574
This offer is also available to non-U.S. residents, but with extra arrangements required for international shipping.
For more information, including on international orders: MeritagePress@aol.com
Mischievoice, March 10, 2010: Review of Hay(na)ku for Haiti by Lars Palm
AT: http://larspalm.wordpress.com/2010/03/10/reading-haiti/
Labels: Babaylan, Hay(na)ku, Rosary of Thorns
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