Friday, August 07, 2009


Because I do much e-blather, peeps may not know that I've been hibernating from the po-world for what's soon going to be three years. It'll be that long that I won't have done a reading or other po-events requiring me to go live in person.

Well, hibernation is hard to maintain if one keeps releasing books. So, on Sept. 21 (7 p.m.), I'll be visiting as part of SFState's "Writers on Writing" series (which looks to be NOTA BENE EISWEIN's first textbook hook-up -- thanks to the prof Bob Gluck!). On Oct. 17, I'll read as part of Litquake at Fabric 8 (thanks to curator Karen Llagas), which invitation I accepted mostly because it will be on a weekend, thus allowing me to bring Michael to his first poetry reading!

More events stuff coming up on through to next year, as I'll have to support the Spring 2010 release of THE THORN ROSARY. But consider this a heads' up: after I do what I feel I should do for my first and thorny "selected poems" book (released through Marsh Hawk Press), it's likely I'll drop back into non-virtual hiding. So catch me in person while you can. And of course I'd be grateful if, indeed, you care to clasp my non-metaphorical hand.

As for what I do outside po-world? Well, it's just some ... high-stakes poker played without looking at the cards, which doesn't leave mi cuerpo mucho tiempo for otras actividades. Sip: tonight, the lovely 1994 Forman Cabernet NV...

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