Monday, February 09, 2009


Here's the thing -- I have wondered if The Blind Chatelaine's Keys would ever get a review, partly because so many potential reviewers are in the book! But to my preening delight (and humility at how the Poetry Angels sometimes stop pissing on me), moi keychain's got a review today by Joey Madia in New Mystics! It begins:
Chatelaine (chain)—A set of short chains on a belt worn by women and men for carrying keys, thimble and/or sewing kit, etc. (from Wikipedia)

Kapwa”—a Filipino cultural concept of interconnectedness whereby other people are not “others” but part of what one is. (from the opening page; emphasis in original)


Dostoyevsky and Freud put forth the notion that it is impossible for an autobiography to reveal the Truth because of our penchant for self-delusion and both positive and negative exaggeration. Aldous Huxley seemed to agree, saying: “there is never a one-to-one correspondence between an author’s work and his character.”

If poetry, like all writing, is a form of autobiography, then the path to the Truth is lined with thorns and nails and broken glass, at the end of which are myriad locks. ENTIRE REVIEW HERE.

Thank you Joey...but I also must draw attention to the last paragraph which specifically applauds BlazeVOX Books for publishing the book. Yes. Yes. Only the most weird, I mean, truly innovative (grin) publisher would have taken a risk on something like The Blind Chatelaine's Keys. Thank you, you blazingly wide-eyed and radiant publisher!


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