Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I remember reading this a few days ago by Gura Michelle--

And I've often been surprised by the life my writing has taken, the reactions I get from people. And I hope I continue to be surprised rather than assuming or presuming how people should/could/might react or not at all.

Then, in this simply FABULOUS interview of Ernesto Priego conducted by Tom Beckett over at exchange values blog, Ernesto says:

I realize how much I underestimate the power of simple words. I am always surprised and what can happen when you send a word away, when you let it go. In that sense I was profoundly influenced by Cristina Peri-Rossi and Alejandra Pizarnik. I truly, sincerely believe that poetry must be a very humble act, just to discover that what it can do, sometimes, can be the least humble thing.

Both Michelle and Ernesto are Meritage Press authors. Like many publishers, I choose quite carefully whom I choose to publish. And though the decision to publish them were based on their manuscripts, I often feel there's something special going on in their poetics that, of course, later pop up in their works. These two quotes reveal an openness and humility that gladden Moi's heart. Because (in contrast with the pettiness and envy which we sometimes hear more about as regards poets' lives) there is the possibility of a full, long, rich -- and happy! -- life in this path. And much Joy for the poets and those who are blessed to read them.

Do read Ernesto's interview -- so much WISDOM there. And last but not least, so much Love.