Sunday, October 24, 2010


Poet's Corner - Fieralingue, one of the wonderful Anny Ballardini's wonderful projects -- just released its Poet-Editor issue, and I'm glad to be able to somewhat represent Meritage Press (even as I'm aware my answers are incomplete; I'm just so pressed for time nowadays). Here's the line-up:

Poet's Corner - Fieralingue

· Brief Introduction
· Charles Alexander - Editor of CHAX PRESS
· Eileen Tabios - Editor of Meritage Press
· Eve Rifkah - Editor of Diner
· Geoffrey Gatza - Editor and Publisher of BlazeVOX
· Janet Holmes - Editor of Ahsahta Press
· John Bloomberg-Rissman - Editor with Alan Baker of Leafe Press
· Julie Carr - Co-Publisher, Counterpath Press
· Mark Weiss - Editor of Junction Press
· Peter Ganick - Editor of chalk editions
· Sam Hamill - Founder & ex-Editor Copper Canyon Press
· William Allegrezza - Editor of Cracked Slab Books and of Moria

Thanks for your efforts, Anny!

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