Well well what a wonderful morning I've had so far! Several more birthday wishes, including one who gave THIS LINK as his birthday present (laugh), wherein Ron Silliman is interviewed by Anish Shivani in The Huffington Post and is quoted as saying:
Have American poets betrayed the great legacy of modernism? One might make this argument for those poets who write as if modernism itself never existed. But with friends like Ezra Pound &/or T.S. Eliot, modernism hardly needed enemies. I've often thought that the real question here is what would happen if we went back and actually attempted to answer the great questions of form & function that literary modernism asks. In that sense, I tend to think the best current writing isn't post-modern, but rather neo-modern. The work of Linh Dinh, Prageeta Sharma, Tao Lin, Tan Lin, Eileen Tabios, Hung Q. Tu, Mytili Jagannathan, Tsering Wangmo Dhompa, Brian Kim Stefans, Pamela Lu, Bhanu Kapil & other younger writers who excite me all strike me this way.
Well, so thank you, too, Ron!
And Sandy and Barbara made Moi and family a faboo brunch! The picture above is of eggs poaching for the main course in this menu:
Eggs Benedict with chipotle hollandaise sause over arepas (instead of English muffins) and Canadian bacon with oregano and paprika. Arepas are a Colombian staple so it was really thoughtful of the McIntoshes to consider Michael in the menu planning.
Also on the table were papas con chorizo and "quick pickled fig salad". The lovely all of it enhanced by mimosas with some 2005 Schramsberg Blanc de Blancs from the hubby's wine cellar. Fabulous! Here are the final results

and this morning's chefs:

Last but not least for now, Happy Birthday as well to Jim McCrary! And yes, Jim: this
Pat the doggies, pat the kitties, hug em all. kids and hubby. (does that ryhme?)
More later for one of my favorite presents yet involving a whole crowd of Big, Burly Men!
Labels: Blessings, Dredging For Atlantis
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