Thursday, May 07, 2009


Among other things, I've been teaching Michael about the connections between working -> earning money -> saving money -> and acquiring things because one has earned/saved money to do so. Which is to say, a few weeks back, I gave him a piggy bank. (In a few weeks, I plan to bring him to the local bank to open up a savings account; the customer service peeps there already have been alerted that I want to make a big To-Do about the whole thing of having him write his info down on the application, getting a bank book, et al.)

Then we started creating situations where he would earn money, from chores to good grades (his Abuelita -- who now realizes she might become broke -- has promised $10 per "A" and a $5 bonus when there's a "+" appended to an "A"). I think he has saved nearly $40.00 in the past three weeks.

Anyway, he has asked a family friend, Juliana, that Juliana buy me a Mother's Day Gift this afternoon since he won't have time to go shopping between today and Sunday because of school and the traveling to Yosemite for the weekend. Juliana, of course, told me what's up.

Entonces, this afternoon, I hit the stores to buy myself a Mother's Day give Juliana who then will give it Michael who then no doubt will give it to me this Sunday with a very loving flourish!

I am going to shop for a poetry book! Because I also want to show Michael the importance of poetry in little ways, such as that it makes for great gifts!

And because he's so considerate, I'm going to tell Juliana to tell him that the book only cost $3.00 (like the book was on sale!) so that the purchase doesn't diminish too much his hard-earned piggy funds. (Yes, I'm also teaching him never to lie -- don't worry, I try not to pass on my vices...)

Dear Peeps -- can you all tell that Moi is very HAPPY?

My son is brilliant and compassionate and fills the lives of people around him with much JOY. I tell ya (Didacticism alert coming up!): People should adopt more! Wishing all of us a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

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