Wednesday, November 28, 2007


It's official. I have carpal tunnel syndrome. And the thing is, I wasn't surprised when the doctor diagnosed it yesterday -- because I'd heard that it was a typical writer's affliction nowadays. But, no, it's not. If anything, it's something genetic having to do with the size of the wrist veins.

The good thing about it not being writerly-related is that I don't have to change anything about my keyboarding (hence writing) habits. I do have to wear this sling at night for a while to keep my left wrist from bending when I'm asleep (most people sleep with bent wrists, in case you didn't know).

One thing the doctor did say is that no one has figured out why the diagnoses of carpal tunnel syndrome has risen significantly....

Hm. When I go offline, I think I'll hunt one of those angels down from the ceiling, sit on its back and bend its wing back until it goes Ow. Just because I can.

While I do that, you might want to check out Galatea Resurrects' just-updated list of review copies. Some interesting new additions -- really.

For example, yesterday's snailmail brought WORDS IN YOUR FACE: A GUIDED TOUR THORUGH TWENTY YEARS OF THE NEW YORK CITY POETRY SLAM by Cristin O'Keefe Aptowicz. I have had and have no particular interest in the poetry slam....but I ended up reading this 364-page book in one sitting. Aptowicz has written a riveting, page-turning read. And, interesting and admirable layer -- there's elegance and grace (a lot of class!) in Aptowicz's treatment of her subject.

It's about poetry slam -- but has all the elements of a great story; writes itself really....with the vagaries of ego, passion, literature, vendettas, rivalries, and love love love for poetry really uplifting what may have been individual petty incidents into necessary threads to a glorious get the yarn drift. Highly recommended, as they say. Someone please review this book!

Okay, off to traffic with an angel....Poor angel.

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