So. Why will my next book's Author photo be captioned
"The Author During The Golden Age of Atlantis"
and show Moi when she was teensy as per:

Well, you'll have to find out why through moi forthcoming DREDGING FOR ATLANTIS (Otoliths) -- thank you Mark Young for the lovely opportunity.
And I'm gurgling like a bebe in excitement as I just saw the golden cover with a brilliant vizpo interpretation by harry k. stammer. Thank you, harry, for all your fabulous design work!
More details later on my recovery of Atlantis, but for now, here's an appetizer -- an excerpt from the back cover text for Dear-you-know-who-scholar who needs to be alerted to the phrase I'm boldfacing:
EILEEN TABIOS' publications include 14 poetry collections, an art essay collection, a poetry essay/interview anthology, and a short story book. DREDGING FOR ATLANTIS, her 11th print poetry collection, extends a body of work unique for melding ekphrasis with a transcolonial perspective.
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