Thursday, January 10, 2013


Those things called "miniature", when it comes to the empty chair, still have huge expanse if you incorporate their evocativeness into the matter.  The mini empty chair like a poem...

Moithinks I'm sitting around much because I know the work is in transition and all one can do is wait or process it through.  So I'm fiddling and faddling and occasionally lapsing to silliness ... sitting around and mentally playing whilst Poetry and Moi figure out our next steps together.  We also just stare at each other a lot, Poetry and Moi, hence the chairs as they're convenient for prolonged staring ...

The process has many benefits, though, the latest of which is discovering Gallery O, a studio gallery devoted to the miniature arts.  YOU SHOULD READ EVERY SINGLE ONE OF ITS POSTS -- they are SO ENCHANTING!  One of their posts, of course, addresses their exhibition of miniature chairs -- yet another reason to love artists!

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