and amidst that, inaugurated the Asian American Poetry Reading series at the Library of Congress -- thank you curator Reme Grefalda, Poetry Center folks Rob Casper and Bryan Koen, as well as Asian Division chief Dr. Franklin Odo. Thanks to all who showed up, including Owen Wedum who'd recently written on Rizal and provided the above photo.
Was also nice to read with Philip Lamantia's spirit in the room -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Here's the LOC seal for ya!

The family and I played tourist for the weekend before the reading. Interesting to visit all the historical sites. Among other things, I was reminded of how truly GREAT some of the earliest presidents were -- George Washington, Thomas Jefferson (even though he didn't free his slaves in his Will which at least Washington did), and perhaps the greatest: Abraham Lincoln. To remember these gentlemen is to see just how ... uh, small ... some recent leaders have been/are (must be all that poll-taking...).
Anyway, am back to a crowded In-Box. Onward...!
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