Woot! THE CHAINED HAY(NA)KU ANTHOLOGY is in the house! Here's Michael holding a copy from the just-arrived boxes!

We still need a little more time to mark its public release; do await a RELEASE SPECIAL OFFER coming out to you the public!
But in the meantime, I have been mailing contributor's copies out....and it happened again: I became the laughingstock of the local post office.
What with Meritage Press, Galatea Resurrects and my own work as a writer, I have tons of those book mailers in the house...and I re-use them. I was green before the world got hip to it!
But this does mean that my packaging is more scruffy than it could be -- was it McCrary who once said my packages come with the scent of a used porn video store? Anyway, there Moi was at the post office cheerfully mailing out books and the postperson looked at one packet with multiple tapings and ... guffawed.
"Hey," Moi riposed, "I recycle them till they disintegrate!"
Chuckling, she replied, "Good for you!"
That's right: Good for Moi! Remember not to judge a book by its (mailing) cover! And that:
A hay(na)ku a day keeps the grinch away!
The striking picture in the kitchen always elicits queries. The painting behind Michael is by Victor Rodriguez.
Labels: Blessings, Hay(na)ku, MOI = MOM, Visual Art
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