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Press Release from Meritage Press and xPress(ed)
Curated by Ivy Alvarez, John Bloomberg-Rissman, Ernesto Priego & Eileen Tabios
BOOK Link:
ISBN-13: 978-951-9198-78-1
Price: $16.95
Release Date: 2010
Distributors: Meritage Press, Amazon and Lulu
Meritage Press (San Francisco & St. Helena, CA) and xPress(ed) (Puhos, Finland) are pleased to announce the release of THE CHAINED HAY(NA)KU PROJECT, the third anthology based on the hay(na)ku poetic form and the first to focus on collaborations. About a hundred poets and artists from around the world participate in this groundbreaking anthology, with each poem involving the participation or three or more poets/artists.
The hay(na)ku is a poetic form introduced in 2003. Its swift popularity would not have been possible without internet-based communication. With the internet's capacity for engendering collaborations, it was inevitable that a collaborative hay(na)ku project such as THE CHAINED HAY(NA)KU would arise, and fitting that it began with a public invitation from a blog (on June 24, 2007, an invitation was posted on for poets to participate in hay(na)ku collaborations). Poets, artists, and even members of a company's editorial department responded, and this anthology is one result, along with friendships and much fun!
To celebrate the release of THE CHAINED HAY(NA)KU, Meritage Press is pleased to announce a SPECIAL RELEASE OFFER: the book will be offered at $10 per book (you can order as many as you wish) through September 30, 2010. Free domestic shipping is also available within the U.S. To order, make a check out to "Meritage Press" and send to
E. Tabios
Meritage Press
256 No. Fork Crystal Springs Rd.
St. Helena, CA 94574
More information about the hay(na)ku poetic form, including the participants in THE CHAINED HAY(NA)KU, are available at The Hay(na)ku Poetry Blog. More information about the two earlier hay(na)ku anthologies are available as follows:
The Hay(na)ku Anthology, Vol. 2:
The First Hay(na)ku Anthology (now sold out but with stray copies available in the internet, e.g. Amazon):
FYI, an early reaction to THE CHAINED HAY(NA)KU is available at
For more information or questions (including international shipments), please feel free to contact
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