The above is Michael's latest photograph of one of his bee-girlfriends. But remember the fantastic photograph he took in June which I thought was fabulous enough to be a cover image for the American Bee Journal?
Well, the short-sighted editors didn't put it on the cover, but they did publish his photograph in the latest issue of said American Bee Journal! Here's the inner content, which includes a photograph of Michael and a write-up of his beekeeping beginnings by the proud hubby:

Here's the cover which, if you see it on the newstand, you should pick up and peruse so you can read all about Michael and enjoy his lovely photograph!

His lovely photograph inside the magazine, that is. Because, again, look at Michael's photograph--isn't that way more compelling and attractive than the one chosen for the cover!? Buzzzzz: get your act together, editors!
So proud of Michael I have no problem being the insufferably boasting Mom!
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