I just got my author copies of THE THORN ROSARY. O. Moi. Gawd. I did anticipate it'd be a brick, as it clocks in at 336 pages. But I didn't expect it to have such a BIG OL' ASS! (It's the WIDE-est book I've released.) My publisher diplomatically ripostes, "....big ass, yes, but lovely nonetheless..."
Well, if you want to check out Moi Ass, then, THE THORN ROSARY is now available at Amazon-HERE (ignore the message about it being "temporarily out of stock"; you can still order through there).
It'll probably be available at SPD by early next month.
But this post is also about -- I'm ever interested in expanding my read of poetry books. If you would like to trade a poetry collection for mine and I don't already have a copy of your book (which you can check by looking up your name in my personal poetry library), drop me an email at

So what should we call this ONE then? I already have BRICK. I already have SON OF A BRICK. Hm. I know! (But of course I know!) Let's call this one:
(and just forgive the disco reference pleaze).
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