Tuesday, January 13, 2009


OH YES. My new book Nota Bene Eiswein (Ahadada Books, Tokyo & Toronto, 2009) is soon to arrive. Unlike other recent books (e.g. HERE and HERE), Nota Bene Eiswein is a purely a collection of verse.

Nota Bene Eiswein also continues my goal to be published by every single indie poetry press out there; if you want to have goals as a poet, it'd be ridiculous not to be ambitious, di ba? Ahadada is a first-time book publisher for Moi, and am delighted to be in its fine company.

I also just heard that I'm about to receive copies of my first published novel, NOVEL CHATELAINE. But that's a story for another day...

I will share that when I wish my cup to runneth over, I fill it with wine. To be a prolific poet mayhaps requires permanently being in some sort of delirium. Not that you Peeps can tell that about Moi, of course, since my posts are usually sober, right?

Sip. Tonight, more of the '96 Greenock from lovely Australia...

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