Sunday, January 27, 2008


It's such a kick to start reading books, including single-author poetry books, that incorporate the hay(na)ku form organically into the collections. My most recent experience in this -- and it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, as they say -- is Thomas Fink's new book, CLARITY AND OTHER POEMS (Marsh Hawk Press, 2008). Tom's book features a number of forms, not just the hay(na)ku -- or rather two variations of the hay(na)ku, as explained by this in the book's NOTES section:
The "Mayan Hay(na)ku" is a variation devised by Maya Mason Fink, and I devised the 'Hay(na)ku Exfoliation" variation.

Maya is Tom's teen daughter; I'm always delighted when young uns access poetry through the hay(na)ku! And Maya's variation is actually not easy: it's the hay(na)ku where the lines are not just one word, two words, then three words....but the first line is a one-letter word, the second line are two-letter words, and the third line are three-letter words, such as in this
is an
and. Sly. Bus?

And here's a sample of Tom's well-complexioned hay(na)ku, an excerpt from "HAY(NA)KU EXFOLIATION 8":
shoes cut.
Sublime outfits all
over have
cooperated to give
waste a good, slim

face. It's midnight,
bitch: whenever major boots
erupt, let earth apologize...


Speaking of hay(na)ku, my "The Hay(na)ku of Numbers" is part of the new INERTIA Magazine. Thanks to editor Rich Murphy for including my poem, which is actually the first hay(na)ku I wrote in which I felt (rightly or wrongly) that, finally, I get this form...


Last but not least, this Thursday, Jan. 31, is the deadline for participating in THE CHAINED HAY(NA)KU Project! Details HERE.
