Monday, November 06, 2006


Am near the end of the most rigorous editing process ever for any of my poetry collections. It's the going through of my 2007 book with Marsh Hawk Press where Thomas Fink is my in-house editor.

Rigorous editing. My back aches from stooping over the e-mail printouts of our back-and-forthing over THE LIGHT SANG AS IT LEFT YOUR EYES.

Rigorous -- but which doesn't leave me, as the one being edited, foaming. That is a balance a writer always desires but rarely gets.

Thank you, Tom.

Did I mention this manuscript is 277 pages?

Like I was saying, THANK YOU, Tom.

To other newsies, specifically for GALATEA RESURRECTS (GR), I just got my first reviewer interest from someone based in France. I love it when the internet works -- that reviewers can come from all over the world. Whoooh. Keep checking and sending to GR's very special review copy list, folks! It works!

And even as the fourth issue is still being prepared for its release later this month, I can share now that the Deadline for GR's fifth issue will be February 5, 2007. Have at it!