For years now, I've been participating in giving Xmas toys to kids in one of San Francisco's Headstart communities. This is the first time I'm mentioning it because I am so so pleased(!!!!) with the kid assigned to me. The kids usually suggest what kind of toys they'd like (often, parents insert themselves by suggesting clothes they can't afford). Moi kid this year is a three-year-old girl and guess what's on her list! Not Barbies. Not various pink objects. Not mini cells or karaoke objects. Not play kitchens et al. She had a one-word list:
I. LOVE. IT! Girl after moi own heart! What a great start to an enlivened life for this child! Reading, reading, reading makes such a difference!
By the way, it's the first--FIRST!--time in years that books have been requested. What does that suggest...?!
Anyway, here's Galatea's elf below preparing a big box for this girl ahead of the game. It's a big box, yes, because ... while I love the idea, I don't necessarily believe a three-year-old ordered books. And that's okay: at that age, it's the parents' responsibility(!) to ensure books abound in the child's environment. So, it's a big box because in addition to the books I tossed in a plush teddy bear for the three year old. One who loves books should be ... rewarded, in more ways than one!
That's what I call, the Holiday Spirit!
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