Sigh. I just learned that poet-artist Lory Medina died unexpectedly of cardiac arrest. She was just 59 years old and (according to a mutual friend) had just been preparing to go back to art school ... This is one of her works, "TemperednVeiled" (part of a 2007 exhibit at Gwang Gallery Seoul which featured her treebark paintings and photographs):

It just goes to show how ... things happen and we really should savor each moment and try to live it in a state of blessedness. That lesson strikes me hard today with this news, in part because Lory is the second Filipino artist I'd promised to write about, but didn't/couldn't until after her/his death (the first artist who never got to read my words about his art was V.C. Igarta).
Laurel Johnson reviewed Lory's poetry book HEADING HOME HERE in Galatea Resurrects. Lory also was inspiring and helpful to me, de facto collaborating with my Commodities: An Autobiography list project.
We never met in person, but I am grateful for your presence, Lory. R.I.P.
Labels: Filipino Artists, Filipino Poetry, Galatea Resurrects, Visual Art
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