When I adopted kitty Artemis from the local wonderful We Care animal shelter, the shelter workers said her name is "Ruth." I took one look at that kitty and inexplicably but absolutely knew she was no Ruth-ie!
We named her "Artemis", and it turned out to befit her nature -- we've woken up many mornings to scores of bug corpses stark against our white windowsills, victims of her nocturnal wanderings...not to mention the many times she's cleared the entire house of country mice -- you do not want to mess with that mouth:

But being quite active had its downfall today. This afternoon, she was negotiating for the Cornish hen, which is to say, she was atop a kitchen counter. Well, after telling her she wasn't getting moi dinner, she jumped off the counter. But on the way down, she ended up trapping a leg against/over/under a kitchen towel rod and broke it. She also may have strained ligaments. As I write this, she's being treated at one of the premier animal hospitals in the country: UC Davis. As I write this, they've finished straightening out her leg to face the correct way (don't ask--let's just say the cat scared the entire household, including 2 German shepherds, with the caterwaul she let loose from her injury)...and a surgeon is about to look into her ligaments.
Needless to say, the kitty was uninsured...sigh. But she's worth it -- Artemis is a great Gift! Have a speedy recovery, Little One. As for that Cornish hen, I lost my appetite and offered it to Abuelita.
Labels: Furry Love
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